
Kendra Shaw is the founder of Inherited Language, a passion project created to gather any and all information relating to genealogy, culture, and language all into one place.

My Background

From the time I was a little girl repeatedly replaying “The Ancestor’s Gauntlet” sequence in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves on the PS2, I’ve been obsessed with family history. Though I didn’t know it as a child, my compulsory desire to create family trees for my dogs and my knack for memorizing information regarding my ancestors and family members were skills I could turn into a profession. Approaching middle school, my interests expanded to biology and genetics (which was ironically convenient upon learning less than a year later that I was a donor-conceived child), however, I maintained a love for video games, and thus attended college for a semester to study video game design before dropping out and taking time to explore my interests on my own. As of today, I currently hold a job in an unrelated field, but my dream is to pave a path that allows me to work from home doing what I love while also spending more time with who I love.


  • 4+ Years of Experience in Amateur Genealogical Research
  • Graduate of Boston University’s Genealogical Principles Course
  • edX Verified Certification for Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics